No 2. Annotation Databases

Constructing taxonomic & functional annotation databases.

There are two main types of annotations we are interested in for this metagenomic project—taxonomic and functional—and there are many, many ways to accomplish both of these goals. This next section involves building the databases and installing any additional tools we need for annotation.

Let’s start with the tools and databases for taxonomic classification.

Taxonomic Classification

There are many algorithms and databases for taxonomic classification. We will use KrakenUniq to classify short reads. We will also use Centrifuge, Kaiju, and VirSorter for contigs. Anvio has methods of importing data from each of these approaches but if you have a have a favorite tool/database there are workarounds to get most results into the appropriate anvio database.


Centrifuge (Kim et al. 2016) is a very rapid and memory-efficient system for the classification of DNA sequences from microbial samples…uses a novel indexing scheme based on the Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) and the Ferragina-Manzini (FM) index, optimized specifically for the metagenomic classification problem…

We will use centrifuge to classify assembled reads, or contigs. Centrifuge was installed with anvi’o above so all we need to do here is build the database.

mkdir centrifuge_dbs
cd centrifuge_dbs/
tar -zxvf p+h+v.tar.gz && rm -rf p+h+v.tar.gz

Extracted, these files use roughly 12GB of disk space.

That’s it.


Kaiju (Menzel, Ng, and Krogh 2016)… finds maximum (in-)exact matches on the protein-level using the Burrows–Wheeler transform. Kaiju is a program for the taxonomic classification… of metagenomic DNA. Reads are directly assigned to taxa using the NCBI taxonomy and a reference database of protein sequences from microbial and viral genomes.

Kaiju pretty much does the same thing as Centrifuge but uses a different methodological approach. First we need to install Kaiju. Again, I will run kaiju in a separate conda environment. Now I can either install kaiju from the source code or as conda package. The latter is easier but often conda packages may lag behind the source code versions. I usually compare the release dates of the conda package with the source code and look at the number of downloads. In this case, the conda version of kaiju looks fine.

# create generic environment
conda create -n kaiju
conda activate kaiji
conda install -c bioconda kaiju

After kaiju is installed, the next thing to do is generate the database. You can find a description of kaiju databases here. I downloaded and formatted the nr and mar databases. The nr database is a subset of NCBI BLAST nr database containing all proteins belonging to Archaea, Bacteria and Viruses. The mar database contains protein sequences from all Mar databases.

Simply run the kaiju-makedb command and specify a database.

kaiju-makedb -s mar
# and/or
kaiju-makedb -s nr_euk

The mar database is 19GB and the nr_euk is 90GB.

Show/hide Kaiju database build job details

# /bin/sh
# ----------------Parameters---------------------- #
#$ -S /bin/sh
#$ -pe mthread 2
#$ -q mThM.q
#$ -l mres=200G,h_data=100G,h_vmem=100G,himem
#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -N makeDB_e2
#$ -o makeDB_e2_2.log
# ----------------Your Commands------------------- #
echo + `date` job $JOB_NAME started in $QUEUE with jobID=$JOB_ID on $HOSTNAME
# ----------------THIS Activate the conda anvio support, not anvio -------------- #
export PATH=/home/scottjj/miniconda3/bin:$PATH
source activate anvio-master
which kaiju-makedb
gcc --version
which perl
# ----------------For nr_euk db -------------- #
kaiju-makedb -h
kaiju-makedb -s nr_euk
# ----------------For mar db -------------- #
kaiju-makedb -h
kaiju-makedb -s mar
echo = `date` job $JOB_NAME done


KrakenUniq (formerly KrakenHLL) (Breitwieser, Baker, and Salzberg 2018) is a novel metagenomics classifier that combines the fast k-mer-based classification of Kraken with an efficient algorithm for assessing the coverage of unique k-mers found in each species in a dataset.

Installed in separate conda environment

conda create -n krakenuniq
conda install krakenuniq
conda activate krakenuniq

There are two steps to creating a database for analysis, krakenuniq-download which downloads the data and krakenuniq-build which, yup you guessed it, builds the database. For some reason building a krakenuniq database has become problematic of late. Specifically, krakenuniq-build hangs for days trying to write two files. database.kraken.tsv and There are a few issues about this on GitHub (e.g., here and here) but unfortunately these have not been addressed and it is unclear if the platform is still being supported. That said, I tried two databases (refseq and microbial-nt) and here is what I did.

# Download & Build refseq
krakenuniq-download --db DB --taxa "archaea,bacteria,viral,fungi,protozoa" --dust --exclude-environmental-taxa refseq/bacteria refseq/archaea refseq/fungi refseq/protozoa refseq/viral/Any viral-neighbors --threads $NSLOTS
krakenuniq-build --db DB --kmer-len 31 --threads $NSLOTS --taxids-for-genomes --taxids-for-sequences --jellyfish-hash-size 10000M --max-db-size 300
# Ran this after job failed to clean up
krakenuniq-build --db DB --kmer-len 31 --threads $NSLOTS --taxids-for-genomes --taxids-for-sequences --clean
# Download & Build microbial-nt
krakenuniq-download --db DB --dust  --exclude-environmental-taxa --threads $NSLOTS microbial-nt
krakenuniq-build --db DB --kmer-len 31 --threads $NSLOTS --taxids-for-genomes --taxids-for-sequences
# Ran this after job failed to clean up
krakenuniq-build --db DB --kmer-len 31 --threads $NSLOTS --taxids-for-genomes --taxids-for-sequences --clean
Show/hide Kraken database build job details

# /bin/sh
# ----------------Parameters---------------------- #
#$ -S /bin/sh
#$ -pe mthread 3
#$ -q mThM.q
#$ -l mres=450G,h_data=150G,h_vmem=150G,himem
#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -N job_00_build_kraken_db3
#$ -o job_00_build_kraken_db5.job
# ----------------Modules------------------------- #
module load bioinformatics/blast
# ----------------Load Envs------------------- #
echo + `date` job $JOB_NAME started in $QUEUE with jobID=$JOB_ID on $HOSTNAME
# ----------------Activate Kraken-------------- #
export PATH=/home/scottjj/miniconda3/bin:$PATH
source activate krakenuniq
# ----------------For refseq DB -------------- #
krakenuniq-download --db DB --taxa "archaea,bacteria,viral,fungi,protozoa" --dust --exclude-environmental-taxa refseq/bacteria refseq/archaea refseq/fungi refseq/protozoa refseq/viral/Any viral-neighbors --threads $NSLOTS
krakenuniq-build --db DB --kmer-len 31 --threads $NSLOTS --taxids-for-genomes --taxids-for-sequences --jellyfish-hash-size 10000M --max-db-size 300
# ----------------RUN after job fails -------------- #
#krakenuniq-build --db DB --kmer-len 31 --threads $NSLOTS --taxids-for-genomes --taxids-for-sequences --clean
# ----------------For refseq DB -------------- #
krakenuniq-download --db DB --dust  --exclude-environmental-taxa --threads $NSLOTS microbial-nt
krakenuniq-build --db DB --kmer-len 31 --threads $NSLOTS --taxids-for-genomes --taxids-for-sequences
# ----------------RUN after job fails -------------- #
krakenuniq-build --db DB --kmer-len 31 --threads $NSLOTS --taxids-for-genomes --taxids-for-sequences --clean
echo = `date` job $JOB_NAME done


VirSorter (Roux et al. 2015), a tool designed to detect viral signal in these different types of microbial sequence data in both a reference-dependent and reference-independent manner, leveraging probabilistic models and extensive virome data to maximize detection of novel viruses.

I generally followed this recipe for installing VirSorter except I separated out the installation of dependencies to individual commands because I like to monitor any conflicts between packages.

conda create --name virsorter python==3.6
conda activate virsorter

conda install -c bioconda mcl=14.137
conda install -c bioconda muscle
conda install -c bioconda blast
conda install -c bioconda hmmer=3.1b2
conda install -c bioconda diamond=0.9.14

conda install -c bioconda perl-bioperl
conda install -c bioconda perl-file-which
conda install -c bioconda perl-parallel-forkmanager
conda install -c bioconda perl-list-moreutils

conda install --name virsorter -c bioconda metagene_annotator

git clone
cd VirSorter/Scripts/
make clean

ln -s /home/scottjj/software/VirSorter/ /home/scottjj/miniconda3/envs/virsorter/bin/
ln -s /home/scottjj/software/VirSorter/Scripts/ /home/scottjj/miniconda3/envs/virsorter/bin/

You may get a Bio::Seq error when you run VirSorter. If so you need to install the BioPerl GitHub repo. It is best to check first before moving on.

perl -e "use Bio::Seq;"`

If you get an error it means that the install failed (for some reason).

Now clone the BioPerl repo and copy the Bio/ directory to the VirSorter environment.

git clone
cp -r Path/to/lib/Bio Path/to/miniconda3/envs/virsorter/lib/5.26.2/

Now see if the error persists.

Good to go? Now time to build the VirSorter database. Pretty straightforward actually.

md5sum virsorter-data-v2.tar.gz
# md5sum should return dd12af7d13da0a85df0a9106e9346b45
tar -xvzf virsorter-data-v2.tar.gz
rm virsorter-data-v2.tar.gz

The uncompressed database is a little over 13GB.

Functional Annotations

Pfam and COG

Now we can install databases for functional annotation. Anvi’o has native support for building Pfam and COG databases.

Anvi’o makes this super simple.

anvi-setup-ncbi-cogs  --cog-data-dir PATH_TO_COG_DIR -T 10
anvi-setup-pfams  --pfam-data-dir PATH_TO_PFAM_DIR

The COG db is 2.3GB and the PFAM db is 283MB.

And that’s it. We can add more databases as we need them.


Running GhostKOALA/KEGG was pretty easy thanks to this handy tutorial. But since we run the analysis on the GhostKOALA webserver, there is no database to set up here. We provide more details when it comes time to actually set up for the analysis and parse the data.

Concluding remarks

At this point we should be good to go with the main setup. We may need to install other tools along the way—we can add those instructions here. Or you may decide to use other tools instead. For example, we are using megahit for the assemblies but you may want to use metaspades or idba_ud. These packages need to be installed separately.



Source Code

The source code for this page can be accessed on GitHub by clicking this link.

Breitwieser, FP, DN Baker, and Steven L Salzberg. 2018. “KrakenUniq: Confident and Fast Metagenomics Classification Using Unique k-Mer Counts.” Genome Biology 19 (1): 1–10.
Kim, Daehwan, Li Song, Florian P Breitwieser, and Steven L Salzberg. 2016. “Centrifuge: Rapid and Sensitive Classification of Metagenomic Sequences.” Genome Research 26 (12): 1721–29.
Menzel, Peter, Kim Lee Ng, and Anders Krogh. 2016. “Fast and Sensitive Taxonomic Classification for Metagenomics with Kaiju.” Nature Communications 7: 11257.
Roux, Simon, Francois Enault, Bonnie L Hurwitz, and Matthew B Sullivan. 2015. “VirSorter: Mining Viral Signal from Microbial Genomic Data.” PeerJ 3: e985.



If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.


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