No 3. Diversity

In this section of the workflow we look at the diversity of the water samples collected from Cayo Roldan (hypoxic) and Cayo Coral (normoxic).

Show setup information.
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
library(phyloseq); packageVersion("phyloseq")
library(Biostrings); packageVersion("Biostrings")
pacman::p_load(DT, ggplot2, dplyr, microbiome, tidyverse, 
               data.table, plyr, stringr, labdsv, reshape,  
               install = FALSE, update = FALSE)

Data Availability

In order to run this workflow, you either need to run the previous workflows or grab the files below from figshare.

All files needed to run this workflow can be downloaded from figshare. These are the output files from the Data Prep Workflow.

File names and descriptions:

seq_table.txt, tax_table.txt, asv.fasta: Sequence tables, taxonomy tables, and ASV fasta files from the full phyloseq object (before removing contaminants) and the trimmed dataset (after removing contaminants).

16s-data_prep.rdata: contains all variables and phyloseq objects from the data prep pipeline. To see the Objects, in R run load(“16s-data_prep.rdata,” verbose=TRUE)

Workflow Overview

This script will process the curated water sample data from the Data Prep Workflow.

Summary of Water Samples

Now that we have a phyloseq object containing the water samples only, we can summarize the data in the water phyloseq object. Again, we use the summarize_phyloseq from the microbiome R package (Lahti, Sudarshan, and others 2017) as we did before.

First, load the R objects that contain the sample data, sequence table, and taxonomy table (saved at the end of the previous section) and merge them into a single phyloseq object. Doing it this way keeps the memory footprint low.

remove(list = ls())
sample_d <- readRDS("rdata/16s-data-prep/ps_water-sample.rds")
seqtab <- readRDS("rdata/16s-data-prep/ps_water-seqtab.rds")
taxtab <- readRDS("rdata/16s-data-prep/ps_water-taxtab.rds")
ps_water <- merge_phyloseq(sample_d, seqtab, taxtab)
ps_water_o <- ps_water
phyloseq-class experiment-level object
otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 1272 taxa and 8 samples ]
sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 8 samples by 5 sample variables ]
tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 1272 taxa by 8 taxonomic ranks ]

Notice we made a copy of the ps_water phyloseq object called ps_water_o. This is because we are going to change the names of NA taxa below and we want a copy of the original object before making changes. Next, we can save copies of the sequence and taxonomy tables just in case we want a quick look at these data.

            "tables/16s-water/water_tax_table.txt", sep="\t",
            quote = FALSE, col.names=NA)
            "tables/16s-water/water_seq_table.txt", sep="\t",
            quote = FALSE, col.names=NA)

And generate a fasta file for all ASVs in the water samples.

# Create fasta file from tax_table
table2format <- tax_table(ps_water)
#retain only the column with the sequences
table2format_trim <- table2format[, 7]
table2format_trim_df <- data.frame(row.names(table2format_trim),
colnames(table2format_trim_df) <- c("ASV_ID", "ASV_SEQ")
#format fasta
table2format_trim_df$ASV_ID <- sub("ASV", ">ASV", table2format_trim_df$ASV_ID)

write.table(table2format_trim_df, "tables/16s-water/water_asv.fasta",
            sep = "\r", col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE,
            quote = FALSE, fileEncoding = "UTF-8")

Let’s go ahead and a sample variable called oxstate to the sample data frame of the water phyloseq object so we can compare the taxonomy of normoxic (Coral Caye) vs. hypoxic (Cayo Roldan) samples. Note one of the Cayo Roldan samples (WCR0) was collected after the hypoxic event when oxygen levels had returned to normal. Therefore WCR0 is considered a normoxic sample.

One last thing to do is to compare diversity across the two sites before and after the hypoxic event. For this we add a sample variable called period denoting whether the sample was collected during or after the event.

sample_data(ps_water)$oxstate <-
  c("normoxic", "normoxic", "normoxic", "normoxic",
    "normoxic", "hypoxic", "hypoxic", "hypoxic")
sample_data(ps_water)$period <-
  c("cc_after", "cc_during", "cc_during", "cc_during",
    "cr_after", "cr_during", "cr_during", "cr_during")

The ps_water dataset contains 1272 ASVs, 180557 total reads, 8 samples, and 5 sample variables.

And here is a summary of just water data samples.

Metric Results
Min. number of reads 12804
Max. number of reads 33311
Total number of reads 180557
Average number of reads 22570
Median number of reads 24120
Min. number of ASVs 237
Max. number of ASVs 552
Total number of ASVs 1272
Average number of ASVs 317
Median number of ASVs 295.5
Sparsity 0.751
Any ASVs sum to 1 or less? TRUE
Number of singleton ASVs 68
Percent of ASVs that are singletons 5.346
Number of sample variables are: 5 (SamName, TYPE, SITE, oxstate, period)

We can also generate a summary table of total reads & ASVs for each sample. You can sort the table or download a copy. Here is the code to generate the data for the table. First, we create data frames that hold total reads and ASVs for each sample. We can also do a quick calculation of alpha diversity using the Shannon and InvSimpson indices.

total_reads <- sample_sums(ps_water)
total_reads <-, make.names = TRUE)
total_reads <- total_reads %>% rownames_to_column("Sample_ID")

total_asvs <- estimate_richness(ps_water,
                                measures = c(
                                  "Observed", "Shannon", "InvSimpson"))
total_asvs <- total_asvs %>% rownames_to_column("Sample_ID")
total_asvs$Sample_ID <- gsub('\\.', '-', total_asvs$Sample_ID)

And then we merge these two data frames with the sample data frame. We will use the meta command from the microbiome package to convert the sample_data to a data frame.

sam_details <- meta(sample_data(ps_water))
rownames(sam_details) <- NULL

colnames(sam_details) <- c("Sample_ID", "Type", "Site", "Oxstate", "Period")

merge_tab <- merge(sam_details, total_reads, by = "Sample_ID")
merge_tab2 <- merge(merge_tab, total_asvs, by = "Sample_ID")
colnames(merge_tab2) <- c("Sample<br/>ID", "Type", "Site", "Oxstate", "Period",
    "total<br/>reads", "total<br/>ASVs", "Shannon", "InvSimpson")


Taxonomic Diversity

Let’s first take a look at the taxonomic diversity of the dataset. The code to generate this table is a little gross.

0. Rename NA taxonomic ranks

Phyloseq has an odd way of dealing with taxonomic ranks that have no value—in other words, NA in the tax table. The first thing we are going to do before moving forward is to change all of the NA to have a value of the next highest classified rank. For example, ASV5 is not classified at the Genus level but is at Family level (Saprospiraceae). So, we change the Genus name to Family_Saprospiraceae. The code for this is hidden here but comes from these two posts on the phyloseq GitHub, both by MSMortensen: issue #850 and issue #990. If you want to access the code chunk, check out the source code linked at the bottom of this page.

[1] "Kingdom" "Phylum"  "Class"   "Order"   "Family"  "Genus"  
[7] "ASV_SEQ" "ASV_ID" 

1. Choose a rank

To make it easier to change the code later on, we can assign the taxonomic rank we are interested into a variable, in the case TRANK.

TRANK <- "Class"

2. Generate the ASV & reads table

tax_asv <- table(tax_table(ps_water)[, TRANK],
                 exclude = NULL, dnn = "Taxa")
tax_asv <-, make.names = TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

tax_reads <- factor(tax_table(ps_water)[, TRANK])
tax_reads <- apply(otu_table(ps_water), MARGIN = 1, function(x)
    tapply(x, INDEX = tax_reads, FUN = sum, na.rm = TRUE, simplify = TRUE)
tax_reads <-, make.names = TRUE)
tax_reads <- cbind(tax_reads, reads = rowSums(tax_reads))
tax_reads <- tax_reads[9]
tax_reads <- setDT(tax_reads, keep.rownames = TRUE)[]

3. Merge the two tables

taxa_read_asv_tab <- merge(tax_reads, tax_asv, by.x = "rn", by.y = "Taxa")
top_reads <- top_n(taxa_read_asv_tab, n = 8, wt = reads)
top_asvs <- top_n(taxa_read_asv_tab, n = 8, wt = Freq)

names(taxa_read_asv_tab) <- c("Taxa", "total reads", "total ASVs")

4. Diversity table by Class

Here we can see that:

Hypoxic vs. Normoxic

How does the taxonomic composition of normoxic compare to hypoxic samples? To look at this, we will combine samples by the oxstate variable and then calculate the relative abundance for each taxon for both oxygen states. Note one of the Cayo Roldan samples (WCR0) was collected after the hypoxic event when oxygen levels had returned to normal. Therefore, WCR0 is considered a normoxic sample.

There are a few steps we need to run for this analysis.

1. Choose a rank

Again, we can select a rank.

TRANK <- "Class"

2. Calculate the averages & merge samples by oxstate

ps_water_AVG <- transform_sample_counts(ps_water, function(x) x/sum(x))
ps_water_ox <- merge_samples(ps_water, "oxstate")
SD_BAR_w <- merge_samples(sample_data(ps_water_AVG), "oxstate")

3. Merge taxa by rank

We will set a variable for the taxonomic rank of choice. If you want to choose a different rank, be sure to change the variable assignment.

mdata_phy_w <- tax_glom(ps_water_ox, taxrank = TRANK, NArm = FALSE)
mdata_phyrel_w <- transform_sample_counts(mdata_phy_w, function(x) x/sum(x))
meltd_w <- psmelt(mdata_phyrel_w)
meltd_w[[TRANK]] <- as.character(meltd_w[[TRANK]])

4. Calculate the total relative abundance for all taxa

means_w <- ddply(meltd_w, ~get(TRANK), function(x) c(mean = mean(x$Abundance)))
colnames(means_w) <- c(TRANK, "mean")
means_w$mean <- round(means_w$mean, digits = 5)
taxa_means_w <- means_w[order(-means_w$mean), ]  # this orders in decending fashion
taxa_means_w <- format(taxa_means_w, scientific = FALSE)  # ditch the sci notation

5. Relative abundance by Class

6. Group taxa into ‘Other’

Time to group low abundance taxa into an Other category for the bar graph. Since we cannot possibly display all 59 different taxa in one figure, we need to collapse the low abundance groups.

TAXAN <- 8
top_perc_w <- top_n(taxa_means_w, n = TAXAN, wt = mean)
top_perc_w$mean <- round(as.numeric(top_perc_w$mean), digits = 5)
min_top_perc_w <- round(as.numeric(min(top_perc_w$mean)), digits = 5)
top_perc_w_list <- top_perc_w[,1]

Here we decided to look at the abundance of the top 8, which sets a relative abundance cutoff at 0.01398. Anything lower than 0.01398 will be grouped into Other.

Other_w <- means_w[means_w$mean < min_top_perc_w, ][[TRANK]]
meltd_w[meltd_w[[TRANK]] %in% Other_w, ][[TRANK]] <- "Other"
samp_names_w <- aggregate(meltd_w$Abundance, by = list(meltd_w$Sample), FUN = sum)[, 1]
.e_w <- environment()
meltd_w[, TRANK] <- factor(meltd_w[, TRANK], sort(unique(meltd_w[, TRANK])))
meltd_w1 <- meltd_w[order(meltd_w[, TRANK]), ]

target <- c("Cyanobacteriia", "Alphaproteobacteria",
            "Bacteroidia", "Gammaproteobacteria",
            "Thermoplasmata", "Phylum_Marinimicrobia_(SAR406_clade)",
            "Acidimicrobiia", "Campylobacteria", "Other")
meltd_w1[[TRANK]] <- reorder.factor(meltd_w1[[TRANK]], new.order = target)

7. Construct a bar graph


We can also look at this in tabular format. To accomplish the task, we use the aggregate command to group abundance values by oxygen state and taxonomic group.

hyp_v_norm <- aggregate(meltd_w1$Abundance,
                 by = list(Rank = meltd_w1[[TRANK]],
                           Sample = meltd_w1$Sample),
                 FUN = sum)
hyp_v_norm$x <- round(hyp_v_norm$x, digits = 4)
hyp_v_norm <- spread(hyp_v_norm, Sample, x)

During vs. After the Event

What did taxonomic composition look like during and after the event at each site? To look at this, we will combine samples by the period variable and then calculate the relative abundance for each taxon. The code for this analysis is basically the same as the code above where we compared hypoxic to normoxic samples. Therefore, all of the code is hidden. See the link at the bottom of the page for the page source code if you are interested in the code we used here. We go through the same steps:

  1. Choose a rank.
  2. Merge samples by period.
  3. Merge taxa by rank.
  4. Calculate the total relative abundance for all taxa.
  5. Relative abundance by Class. Values are slightly different because averaging across a different grouping of samples.
  6. Group taxa into ‘Other.’
  7. Construct a bar graph.

Again, Time to group low abundance taxa into an Other category for the bar graph. Since we cannot possibly display all 59 different taxa in one figure, we need to collapse the low abundance groups.

And that’s it for this part of the 16S rRNA part of the workflow. Next, we drill a bit deeper into the data set and look at differentially abundant ASVs between normoxic vs. hypoxic samples.



Source Code

The source code for this page can be accessed on GitHub by clicking this link.

Data Availability

Output files from this workflow available on figshare at doi:10.25573/data.12794258. The 16s-water.rdata file contains all variables and phyloseq objects from this pipeline and is needed for the next workflow (as are the .rds files).

Lahti, Leo, Shetty Sudarshan, and others. 2017. “Tools for Microbiome Analysis in r. Version 1.9.97.”



If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.


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